Waking up to the sounds of disturbed heart
Sat up at the edge of my bed for 5 minutes
Wondering why life is difficult
Its full of mystery and its a jigsaw puzzle
Nothing ever turns out to be how u want it to be
It either turn out to be bad
or if u are lucky
It might turn out to be how u wished it would be
C'est la vie said Uncle Mike
Qui, je sais says I
Frankly, I haven't have a clue why it is like that
I wonder how life is if its easy
Well, here is what i think it would be
It'll be boring
No excitement
So predictable
U jz know what is going to happen round the next corner
Everyone is the same!
Jeez.. It'll be sooo damn boring
So I am thankful for my life
I've been through sad times n happy times
Sweet love and breakups
Loyalty and betrayals
Met so many good people and not so pleasent ones
This has taught me a lot about how real life would be
No more fairytales or happy endings
U cant have everything u want like wad u did wid ur doll house
Life is a mystery
Gotta be careful and think before u leap
Or u'll end up behind the wrong door.
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