Wednesday, June 23, 2010

not even will do us part.

Lying down in your arms,
I never wanna get up,
I just wanna feel you close to me,
Play and tease your hair,

Cuddle up on your couch,
Watch our favorite movie on TV,
Tickle my feet with yours,
Kiss my forehead and tell me you love me,

I let you go before,
I was filled up with jealousy and anger,
I was suffering inside & reached a point where i hate you,
But deep inside I missed you & baby I need you,

I want you baby,
I need you every now and then,
You mean so much to me,
I'm never gonna let you go again,

I'm thankful that you came back,
I'm thankful for what you've did,
I'm thankful that He opened my heart again,
I'm grateful we are together once more,

Every night before I close my eyes,
I bow down my head and pray,
That every morning when I wake up,
You'll be there lying next to me,

I promise you this,
You have my heart,
You have my soul,
I love you & I'll never let you go,

I can't do this alone baby,
Please promise to me too,
You'll never let me go,
That we'll be together forever,

Lets make a solemn vow,
Never to leave each other's side,
I'm yours baby,
Not even death will do us part.

I love you.

Dedicated to Busi Busi.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

don't let me do this alone

hmmm... i don't know.. i just... hmmm.. i just feel so empty inside...